Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pirates Invade Tampa

The Gasparilla tradition in Tampa has dated back to 1904, when a group of elite businessmen put together the festival that popularized the legend of Spanish pirate Jose Gaspar. Today marked the 105th year that Tampa Bay has been invaded by pirates, while an estimated crowd of 400,000 people gathered to watch as Mayor Pam Iorio surrendered the keys to the city.

"The stories of Gaspar 
are fairly consistent. Most say he was born in Spain in 1756 and served in the Spanish Navy a
board the Floridablanca. Among his early exploits was his kidnapping of a young girl for ransom; some versions give his subsequent capture as the impetus for joining the navy.
 Simpler versions of the story have him starting a mutiny and becoming a pirate soon after, but more romantic ones say he achieved a high rank 
and became a councillor to King Charles III. He was popular in the court, but when he spurned one lover for another, the jilted lady levied false charges against him, often said to involve the theft
 of the crown jewels. T
o escape arrest he commandeered his ship and vowed to exact revenge on his country through piracy. Renaming himself "Gasparilla", he patrolled the coast of Spanish Florida for the next 38 years (often 1783 – 1821, approximately the dates of the second 
Spanish rule of Florida), sacking every passing ship and amassing a huge treasure, which was stored in his fabulous den
 on Gasparilla Island. Most male prisoners would be put to death or recruited as pirate
s, while women would be taken to a nearby isle, called Captiva Island for this
 reason, where they would serve as concubines or await ransom payment from their

I've been going to the festival on and off for my entire life. The first time I went was in Kindergarten, oh about 35 years or so ago. Its been a few years since I went last, mainly because that is just too many damn people to be around comfortably. While today was no exception crowd wise, I did manage to score some excellent front row seats that were reserved for us at the Tampa Convention Center.

It just so happens that when the pirates hit land, it is at the Convention Center. We had the perfect view of the invasion that I had never been able to see before except when watching live footage on television. Unless you happen to be on a boat, or arrive early enough to catch a spot on the wall surrounding Bayshore Boulevard, you just don't see it.

Like clockwork, you can expect the city of Tampa to throw the world's largest pirate themed party every February. Gaspar's reputation for debauchary makes for a great excuse to roam the city streets celebrating with an assorted cast of drunks and skallywags. 

I'll drink to that.

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