Friday, April 19, 2013

Speed Trapped!

So, I got caught blazing through a school zone at 26mph this morning. Clocked by a cop wearing plain clothes on the side of the road. I had pulled out of a Circle K store after buying doughnuts (irony) for my two daughters breakfast on the run. The light was turning yellow and I floored it right across the intersection since I was already running late. I made the light, but caught the school zone with a quickness. 

The cop seemed sympathetic since I had two kids in the car and was obviously on my way to school myself. He ended up giving me a warning on the speeding ticket, which would have been $306. I got a $116 ticket for an expired Insurance ID card, but, I can take my policy to the DMV to show proof of coverage and that ticket will be voided. He could have given me another ticket because I never registered my new address in St. Pete with the DMV. you can see in the photo, my daughter paid the officer off with the bag of mini-doughnuts...

When I finally made it to work (late), the overly enthusiastic security guard at the front door pulled me aside to ask me for a "jean donation". Apparently, it casual Friday here in this building, and the cost of wearing jeans today is $2. Being a contractor, I had no idea. The way that he said it, I though he was asking me to take off my pants...Gene donation?? I'm hiding out for the rest of the day...

If this day only costs me $2, I'm going to be a happy man.

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