Thursday, January 8, 2009

And We're Off...To a new year.

And I'm already behind with my New Year's Resolution. Well, it actually was not a resolution. It was more like somewhat of a change in habit. No, not the lose weight and start exercising type of nonsense. I though that instead of goofing off on my myspace and facebook accounts that I should do something more constructive with my time. No, I'm not giving up on them, far from it. Its just that the only thing that I am really doing on those sites is just shamelessly promoting me, my band or some podcast recording I may have just recorded. I figured that instead of spending as much time there, I should start writing a blog.I'm not really even sure what I want to even blog about, all my musical stuff is all over the net with myspace, facebook and a few other choice sites out there, so there isn't really a need to re-hash that. I guess it will be just a few of my own random thoughts, and observations. A personal glimpse inside my head for the whole world to see, at least those of you that speak English. Now there is a scary thought.

I took three years of Spanish in school. I never really got the
knack for it. I did, however, learn how to insult a grown man by challenging his manhood and then make vile comments about his mother and sister. All that I needed was straight from my pocket English/Spanish translator that I had downloaded to my new iPod touch. I could have used it when I was last in Miami. Did you know that if you go visit a Burger King in Miami that the menu is written in Spanish? I guess I'll have le Whopper, por favor.

I've always wanted to keep a blog and it occurred to me that the new year was a good time to start one. I'm sure that I won't have many readers, but that is alright with me. It is somewhat therapeutic just to sit here at the keyboard and type. I used to like to write. 

When I was enrolled in college I had dreams of someday becoming a journalist. Well, that was not actually my dream. I really wanted to be a internationally reknown rock star with a hard partying reputation. After all, I could be a famous rock journalist that writes for Spin, or Rolling Stone if the 'ol music career never panned out. I never finished my higher level learning plan. Instead, I followed the advice of a fellow bandmate who said that, "If you have something to fall back on. You Will." I ended up writing CD reviews and interviewing touring bands for such magazines as The Tampa Bay Spike, LIVE! in Tampa Bay, Music Forum and FOCUS. Who needs a back-up plan?

Even if you are micro-blogging on sites like Twitter or updating your status on facebook or myspace, it seems that everyone is blogging these days.  I tried to set up a twitter account for myself recently, but it now sits dormant, only because I really don't know very many of my friends email addresses to add them to my account. Most of my personal contact with them is through either myspace or facebook and that is one of the main reasons that I refuse to abandon either of them.

So, my year has gotten off to a busy start already this year. After only one week elapsed from 2009, The Dive Bar Stalkers have already played a show at The Garage in St. Petersburg with touring bands The Rocketz and Hollowbody Hellraisers for Rockabilly Rumble III. There was an awesome crowd there all decked out in retro 1950's style and fashion.

A few short days later I could be found recording guitar tracks for the song The Sweetest Place To Sin for the new Dive Bar Stalkers album. We have not really thought of a title for the new record yet as we're still in the early stages of this recording. Maybe if you have any good ideas you can forward them our way. I'm sure that once we have a few solid rough mixes ready to go, we'll throw a song or two on the net for a pre-listen. 

After nearly two weeks off for this years Staycation/Vacation, I spent my final night before returning to work by recording six new episodes of Loud, Fast and Shitty Podcast Show with my good friends Ick McWang and Blip Magillis. Many a beer was had and unbeknownst to us, the second episode (LFS013) we recorded had a drunken error on my part. Yes, I know you are thinking, "drunk by the second episode out of six?". Yep, all in a days work. All by noon. Hey, my football team, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, were out of playoff contention and I had to do something, right? It seems that I played a song over our new intro from the podcast, hopelessly meshing the two tracks into an unlistenable conglomeration of shit.

Through the magic of Skype we were all able to meet again online and re-record the intro all from the comforts of our own homes. Poor Ick and Blip drive about an hour and a half and from two counties over, just to hang out in my garage. We have to record several episodes at a time due to that driving handicap so losing that episode was not really an option. Now that we know about Skype, it really opens up a new channel for podcasting via satellite from remote places as well as for artist interviews. If your on Skype, you can find me by calling bob.noxious

Well, thats it for now. I'll try to do a little better at keeping my blogs more interesting and on a more timely and consistent basis. Just go ahead and set your RSS reader to catch my blog and hopefully I'll keep you entertained, or at the very least, informed.

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