Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Didn't Know That They Still Made Those Things

Yesterday, while on the USF main campus in Tampa, I saw what had to be the worlds largest Chia Pet. Such a spectacle as it is, campus authorities had to erect a fence around it. Perhaps they are scared that some prankster sophomore student will steal it in the middle of the night as an amateurish fraternity prank.

Takes me back to my formative years, where on the night before my junior year was to begin, I did such the same thing. A small group of buddies and I grabbed a 7' Ronald McDonald statue from our nearby McDonald's establishment's playground and transferred it to my high school football field. Right on the 50 yard line. Where the following morning, as a local McDonald's crew were searching for their lost icon, morning traffic was stunned to see a 7' tall clown waving to them from the distance.

Yeah...Good Times!

I'm not sure why, but while I was there on the USF campus, I noticed they seem to be collectors of "Bull" art and statues. Now that is not the weird part as The Bulls are the adopted mascot of USF. What was strange was that they had pewter molded bulls at their Student Center that were anatomically correct.  But then again, I was wanted to snicker in my Health class while we studied Sex Ed and I still think fart noises are hilarious.

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