Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life Is An Open Book. Except For What We Can't Speak Of.

Well, its been a cold week here in Sunny Florida as temperatures dipped below 30 degrees for two days in a row. Our uber-intelligent weather experts were even calling for snow on one day. Alas, it did not happen. Too bad, I was looking forward to taking a free day off from the regular bump n' grind of everyday life.

When I left my house this morning, there was a fresh patch of frost covering just about everything. The lawn, the windshield. I have owned the same ice scraper since about 1993 when I bought one while attending college in Tennessee. I never really used it, but somehow managed to retain it for all of these years. Until this morning when I looked for it fruitlessly. I'm sure that I'll find it somewhere in the garage tomorrow.

By the way, if you find yourself with a frosty window and no ice scraper, it is best that you throw a cup of hot water on the windshield. Try to resist the urge to use your windshield washer fluid. All it does is turn the frost into a Slushee.

Other than that, its been a somewhat busy week musically for me. Saturday night was a PIG PEN show at the Pegasus in Tampa. We met a cool band from Orlando called BearLake. We'll definitely be doing more dates with them, both locally and in Orlando. We managed to unload a good majority of our T-Shirts and CD's while we were there, so I guess we'll need to be ordering more soon.

The Dive Bar Stalkers continue to record more new tracks for the latest offering to the masses. I recorded my guitar tracks for You Got Me Runnin' and Beautiful Day. It is still in the early stages of the whole recording process, but I'm sure we'll have a few sneak-peak mixes available for your listening pleasure on our myspace page at some point.

Speaking of DBS, we played a show on Friday night over at The Ringside in St. Petersburg. After arriving fashionably late, I was escorted directly to the stage where we played a 3 hour set!No breaks. Looch did two drum solos which served as our only breather. Hands down, that was the longest I've ever played my guitar on public display...EVER! 

The overly enthusiastic club owner was estatic about the length of our set. Nobody seemed to notice that it was almost closing time as "last call" echoed throughout the joint. He said that everyone tends to leave after the bands take their breaks. I guess that we tricked 'em huh?

The podcast show that I do with Ick and Blip released Episode #14 on Sunday. Here lately, we've been keeping a regular 7 day release schedule. The show has been featured on over 30 different music sites, except iTunes. Our .xml feed was declined by iTunes due to the title of our show. It seems that Loud, Fast & Shitty isn't accepted in mainstream America, even if you put an Explicit Content label all over it. Oh well, I guess we're destined for the underground.

Superbowl 43 is in a little over a week here in Tampa and I'd like to see the Cardinals win. I've always liked the Steelers, but they've been to far too many title games as it is. So since my team isn't in it, I'll be rooting for the underdog.

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