Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Job Security: From The Inside Of A Jail Cell.

I got the word today that I would to be starting on a new long-term project for work.  That isn't necessarily a big deal, as my company takes on many jobs of that nature on a daily basis. But I couldn't get past the smirks on every body's face at the office today as I walked in. Something was up.

Before I could even check the newly posted job calendar, the cat was already out of the bag. Starting tomorrow, I'll be beginning to spend a great deal of time at the county jail.  I'll be installing over 250 video teleconferencing systems that will allow the inmates to "visit" with their families via a camera connection.

Great. I'm the guy who will be taking away their current visitation status away. While I'm sure they don't allow for those "conjugal visits", at least they could meet face-to-face. Instead, they will be watching them on a TV monitor. Which can't be half that bad when you look at it. I hear they don't even have television in the jail cells. Imagine that? No Superbowl. These animals aren't going to like me at all. Because I'm definitely watching the game. Without them.

I've always wondered why someone would want to be a prison guard. Even if you are only working an eight hour shift, it would just take you three years on the job to equal a full year in jail. I'm just hoping that with the amount of time that I'll be spending there in the near future that I'll be able to put some of my "jail time" in an account somewhere and save it for a rainy day. Kind of like that "Get Out Of Jail FREE" card in Monopoly.

But hey, in today's economy...who am I to complain? It's not like I'll have free run of the place anyway. There will be guards escorting me around, so I would be protected if anything were to break out. Besides, half of my time there will be spent in the visitation center. It is there, in a separate complex outside of the jail's wall,  that the families of inmates will have to go for their visitation. The unfortunate family still has the inconvenient task of having to actually drive to the jail. 

But for me, life is good. Because at the end of the day.I still get to go home...from work. Even if I have to wake up and do it all over again.

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