Friday, January 23, 2009

What Is The Big Deal With Twitter Anyway?

This week, I joined yet another social networking site. It seems that no matter where I go, or what I am doing. Twitter is everywhere. Apparently, I need to be a part of it, so I promptly signed up. Now what? So far it has been pretty boring. 

They call it micro blogging. Basically, it is a status report on what you are doing at any given moment. You can choose up to 140 letters to describe how you are feeling, what your doing...what you shouldn't be doing, whatever. Yep, that is it. Both MySpace and Facebook offer the same element, plus a whole lot more so I really cannot understand what the hoopla is all about.

I began by searching for friends, family and people that I know. You know the drill, as by now everyone has either a Facebook or MySpace account, or both. It is the same deal. Twitter is more alike to Facebook due to the fact that you use your real name as opposed to MySpace where it seems that everyone uses an alias. I should know a few people on there already, right? I have some pretty tech savvy buddies/iPhone geeks for you think that I found any of them on there? One by one Twitter told me that there was no such person in their online community. Could it be that I actually have no true friends that are/have subscribed to Twitter? Apparently, that is the case.

I actually did make contact with my friend and former band mate Jon Crain on Twitter. But we were already in quasi-contact with each other through both MySpace and Facebook. He actually found me on Twitter, of all places, through my Facebook posting which proclaimed my new domain on Twitter. He is now the only person who is "following me" on Twitter. He called me a douchebag, further solidifying to me  that Twitter is really utterly useless.

But, it seems to be the latest rage. At least with the twenty-somethings. Everybody has to know everybody's business, no matter how boring or mundane. 

Supposedly, there is more to it than that. I'm going to stick it out for a bit and continue to send Jon my daily updates on my social status. Who knows, maybe it will someday lead to another long awaited Trailer Park Picassos's reunion show. Surely the rest of the guys from the band will have a Twitter account soon enough

If you want to follow me on Twitter you will find me here...

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