Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Is This Guy Smiling?

He is smiling because he is happy that the red pick-up truck does not belong to him. In fact, he is the driver of the tow truck that responded to help some unfortunate guy whose truck was teetering over an enbankment this morning on Memorial Highway in Tampa. It seems that the red Chevrolet 1500  pick-up truck was launched, unmanned, off an enbankment and on to a sidewalk.

Thats right, unmanned.

It found it's way from the parking lot due to the decades old Ford LTD that rammed it to the street. It appears the somebody left the St. Pete Bagel shop in a hurry and hit the truck while backing up. One can only imagine who did it, as I could not spot the obvious owner. Maybe it was an out of work handyman who stopped for a quick bite to eat before reporting to the labor pool. Or better yet, a disgruntled employee who couln't get out of there fast enough, but yet was still stuck there while things were sorted out.

Whatever the case was, the LTD slammed into the back of the truck so hard that it knocked all four tires completely over the concrete tire stopper. But wait, there's more...the mean machine then pushed the rugged truck another four or five feet past a patch of grass and then left it hanging from the ledge. I guess the vehicle had momentum on it's side considering that it originated from across the parking lot!

I walked away laughing, knowing that nobody was hurt in the accident. As I left, it seemed that the driver of the tow truck was at a loss for how to handle the situation. The chains that were attached from the tow truck were hardly doing anything to help. It was obvious that the truck was not going anywhere, anytime soon, without some reinforcements.

I'm not sure how it was finally resolved because I didn't have time to sit around and gawk all day. Honestly, that would have probably been pretty boring without the promise of an explosion or something equally as spectacular. 

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